Sunday, November 22, 2009


yeah, what we do during the holidays,

- Stay at home
- Sit in front of the laptop while staying at home
- Sit in front of the laptop and chat with friends, blogger, facebook, yada yada yada...
- Go out every once and a while with close friends
- bla.bla.bla.bla.bla
- Do something so unproductive that, well it is productive (not sure how that works, but it does)
- Sleep

Yeah a boring holiday...


Friday, November 20, 2009

seriously fucked up when I was cycling to the shop in the morning to buy the morning newspaper. A rat died right in front of me, it was totally disgusting when the car just ran over it making it flat. After the car had gone by (which the driver didn't notice at all that he killed a rat) I could see all the guts, and ughhhh! *muntah* *blurgggg*...yeah it was a sight to be seen.

Road Kill Anyone?

remember, remember, the 13th of november

So yeah last week the 13th of November, Friday the 13th really, I had a special occasion for myself, well yeah, to some people it's nothing really special, but to some musicians it's an important occasion when a musician names his instrument.

So yeah, I named "her"

I may have had my bass for some time, but it didn't come to the time to name "her" yet. Sure you could say whats the use of naming your guitar? Well, there's a special bond between an instrument and the musician, where you go trough all with "him" or "her". You go trough life with them, trough thick and thin, trough all the emotional hardships you have to face and trough all the shit you have to face at school or work. It's always there and it will always be there to comfort you. It could also be something to release all your stress on, when you're angry.

All the times that I've been trough with my Bass, trough all the thick and thin, I had good and bad memories with "her", and most of them were good, where I performed with my bass on a brightly light up stage with audiences ranging form small to as big as 400++ people. I've bled from playing too much and I've improved myself alot, since starting to play about 3 years ago.

So yeah, I love "her".

My Bass, Kristen.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sabah and's... gaya percakapan ; SLANG

so yeah, I was on Facebook a few days ago and i found a series of extremely funny pictures of a Bahasa Malaysia composition exercises done by a primary student (guessing he's between primary 1 - 4). going on with the story, the compositions entitled Terimah Kasih Datuk have to do with the kid thanking his Datuk (grandfather) for some crazy shit stuff, and in the compositions, are Sabahan slang words that will blow one's mind, if you're Sabahan of course or You have been in Sabah Long enough to realise that this is funny shit right yeah without a further are the awesome funny shit pictures...

Terimah Kasih Datuk :-

Terimah Kasih Datuk (2) :-

Terimah Kasih Datuk (3) :-

Yeah it may seem a little crazy, but hey, it happens,
and all we can do is either Laugh, Be Concerned or Do Something bout it
I choose, LAUGH.



Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Why! FF7! Why!?

Yeah just a couple of moments ago, a friend of mine Bryan, reminded me one of the most epic and sadest moments in gaming history, as u can see at the title the game involved is Final Fantasy 7, the most top-selling, popular game ever sold all over the world. In the game once you reach a certain point in the 1st cd of the game (there are 3 cds) one of the main characters gets well ... killed of.

Now, this game has been over for at least more than 10-12 years since it was on the PS1, where it made it's name as a remarkeble franchise producing more and more games for the series, but my personal favorite would still be 7. Now, onto what I was talking bout. In the game during the first CD one of your characters gets well, killed of, being at the tender age of ... well i think i was about 10(yeah i didn't play this untill i got my PS1 which was in 2002 :D) not knowing how the story goes and only getting small bits of information from friends, I didn't know that she was gonna ... well ... die ... and once it came to that point i was so shocked of what happened that I cried and stopped playing the game for a whole week.

It's weird right? How something so small like a game could affect one's whole life for one whole week ... yeah, one might say ... what the hell did you cry for? it's just a game! Well my friend it may be just a game but somehow with alot of games that go trough a heavy storyline such as the Final Fantsy games and ... well mostly alot of good Square Soft and Square Enix tittles like, Chrono Cross and ... (well only the FF series and Chrono Cross) you can get very close to the characters in the game where you want to make them stronger! and you get to know them more (konon la) and you dont't want them to die! and well There's the video of the scene . . . . just watch it, and well if you played the game I'm sure you know how you would be feeling right now.

when games just get to you. T.T

blog surfing = new post

yeah, as the title says it, I was blog surfing by pressing the next blog button on the top bar, and i came to a mediocre blog (just like mine), and found this amazingly funny fact....


Yeap! and with video to prove it!

Barack Obama's amazingly consistent smile from Eric Spiegelman on Vimeo.

the video shows U.S. President Barrack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama posing for around 130 pictures with UN delegates at a receptionthat was held at the Metropolitan Museum in New York City.

Damn all I have to say is ... Wow ... consistent!

and c'mon who dosen't like this guy! especially when he really is a true guy!

C'mon! Could you blame him "FOR" looking at that!?

-U.S. President Barrack Obama


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

insomnia, insomnia, insomnia, insomnia, insomnia

damn it! i hate it when i get insomnia! this is the 3rd time i've had it in 5 days! that means only 2 days of good sleep! bullshit! c'mon the only reason of why i'm having insomnia is mainly

1. Football
2. Coffee
3. Facebook, bla bla bla bla
4. Coffee

as you can see, coffee apeared 2 times in the list so the main thing that makes me have insomnia is yes! COFFEE! and that wasn't your normal nescafe buat di rumah! it's the damn coffee at Starbucks and San Fransisco Coffee! Like c'mon! that isn't your normal cup of coffee damnit! its COFFEE! as in it has tons of sugar and it doesn't even taste that good damnit! c'mon! why do people even go to those places to drink coffee!? i would rather go to some kedai kopi and have Kopi O! and some kon lau Men!

It's just a damn waste of money going to Starbucks ando San Fransisco Coffee! sure got more cewek and chicks there la! but c'mon la! u wanna pay RM11.50 for one small sized ice blended mocha or whatever! to go look at some random hot girl's ass?!

(well sure! if you're a horny perv)


Saturday, October 17, 2009

a new time has come! hell yeah to the hollidays!

hell yeah! the exams are finally over! and with that i proclaim a new time has come! the time of enjoyment! well for at least another.... 2 1/2 months! hahahah hell yeah! during that time my daily activities will or would consist off....

1. sleeping - catching up on lost sleep from the whole year
2. practicing my bass - of course!
3. Blogging! - what else would this post be for damnit!?
4. Going on a vacation(maybe) - My family and I may b going to the phillipines
5. Play MMORPGS - well, not holliday is complete without a game to play!
6. Go out wit friends - hell yeeaahhh
7. Learning photography - well I've mostly been putting this down for a few months, since i have school!

and here's the confirmed song that my band is gonna be playing at the Interact Installation Nite

Coldplay - Yellow(acoustic)

well hell yeah, this is the song, and we're forced to do it acoustic! but who cares really?! but we're not gonna go full acoustic, since were going for a little bit of an electric guitar solo, with a cajon! well what's a cajon u ask well this is a cajon!

yes this i a cajon, or box drum, where it sounds like a bass drum and a its damn awesome..hahahah....

Signing out!


Yeah! New Book Shelf!

Hell yeaaaahhhhhh! Just now around 12:30pm to 2:00pm me and my mom went out to buy some groceries...and in that time....hahaha... hell yeah i got a new book case's some pictures...

and yeah as you can see there's some stuff on my bed :D...ahahahaha...yeah a keyboard and some music books...awesome...

well the main reason for me buying a new bookcase well is this.... place to keep books...and i have double a tissues..ahahahaha....

and yeah i keep most of my books in a cardboard book thing bla bla bla...hahaha...hell yeah...


trying some shit

just trying out to put an embeded vid on blogger

ok yeah, i got this song from a friend of mine..and well it's damn awesome, kudos to asafoetida..yeahhhh..awesome shit....

Little Lion Man - Mumford and Sons

Saturday, October 10, 2009

random bull****

well i got my chatbox and music player running up onto my blog so..yeah!
and by the way...sorry bout the last post...was thingking bout a short one...turns out to e...
a long one...hahahahahaha...


week of anger, shame and happiness

i think i should make this post a short one...

so far this whole schooling week has well...been pretty crazy.
yeah in the title it says
"week of anger, shame and happiness"
but yeah, it has been one..
making it...

as usual,
exams are bullshit,
friends are awesome
and cheating is fun!


well yeah,
after these exams there's the interact installation night
where my band,
well technically it's
"our, band"
is playing on the ballroom stage of S.T.A.R hotel!
awesome? rigghttt?
well...a little on the bad side with that one....
the drummer of the band,
who is like a brother to me,
can't come cause he has some massive prayer for his late grandma
but i resolved that by bringing another friend into the picture...
well, just read my status if you can on facebook, maybe you'll understand


onto other news....
mehh, i got mad a something again and kept on screaming my head of and taking
the fury out onto my basslines...
amazingly, they were...

xD more one more week of exams in my horizon
add-maths, chemistry and bio
here i come!




Monday, September 28, 2009

the final run

well it's the final leg of the schooling year, by Monday next week, the form 3 students would have already moved to the senior block of our school, and my form would be in the junior block, while the form 3's have their Penilian Menengah Rendah (PMR) and the forms 1 and 2 have their final exam, while the form 5's have their trials for their upcoming Sijil Pencapaian Menegah (SPM). while the form 4's have their long awaited excel test which also serves as the form 4 exam paper.

so, what I'm trying to say here is...

This is the last week I have to study, my class hasn't even finished all of our syllabus(and I'm in the first class), after 3 weeks of exams and school, freedom is obtained...well...sort least there aren't anymore exams!

Side note :-

I've been neglecting my blog because I've been really busy. I'll try re-activating it back again after the exams...(these exams are gonna kill me)...thanks!

Currently Listening too :-
- Muse(new and old)
- The Killers(new and old)
- Incubus
- Kings Of Leon
- Street Sweeper Social Club(Tom Morrelo's in it)


Saturday, August 15, 2009

An Awesome Night Out With Friends on a Thursday

it was thursday night, i got well, bored i decided to ring up my freind raphael who lived a few meters away from my house, meaning, we live really-really close. at the same time i wanted to return his old acoustic guitar back..c'mon, i've been keeping it in my room for about 3 weeks.

so i walked there at 8.30 at night, it was pretty dark but i managed, i got there and went straight to the park near his house, where we usually gather around for useless chatter and jackass are some pics of that night....

me flying high

A shadow of looks good from my point...

raphael doing some screamo shit

yeah thats his guitar rught there...

i took this picture with blocking the flash a little bit, and it seemed to work....

after all of this we went to our resident kedai kaling/keling
we bought some drinks, a 1liter carton of air bunga and lychee
and some AA batts for me

we went to sit at the bridge near his housing had some useless chat and sat around
for a few minuets.

suddenly raphael stands up and says to me,
"hey man, i need to take a tinkle"
i say,
"go back home la bha! why the hell you telling me this"
"bha bha! i go first ahhh"
he walks a little bit, then suddenly stops, still at the bridge,
i hear him opening his zipper and i look away, really-really far away
and i hear the gross, pervers sound of pee running into the huge drain water....
and say,
he zips up and goes to me and says

*stupid yet fun night*

P/S all pictures were taken with Raphael's Cannon Powershot...sumtin-sumtin...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A New Album From Muse!

So I went on youtube a few days ago and searched Muse. So looking for one of the songs which i usually listen to like, Knights Of Cydonia, Hysteria, New Born and Supermassive Black Hole (of course i listen to their live performences, which are, way-way better than the original versions) and I suddenly found a few new videos posted up there, Muse - Uprising and Muse - United States Of Eurasia (+Collateral Damage). So I tough about it and went to the band's web page,, it appears that the band is releassing a new album on the 14th of September this year(I'm surely gonna buy it)

So, I decided to listen to these two songs, starting of first with Upsrising.

I was totally taken by suprise by this song, it sounded so-so different from their other songs, this song was much more electric and had a distinct rhytm, it sounds more like a singalong at a huge Muse concert (which i would love to go to), where everyone would be singing along to the rhytm of the chorus saying "come on!". Yeah some people are thinking " Hey?! What the hell happened to the old Muse?! This sounds like a shit-load of bull-crap!" But on the contrary I think that muse have evolved their sound, again!

And again! This song totally blew me away! With the slow start at the begining of the song with the pieano and the bass with amazing vocals from Bellamey, and suddenly it goes into an outburst with an amazing sounding orchestra! Surely in this song Bellamey's great tallent for composing amazing rhytms and melodies wows me again. The collateral damage is actually a piano solo, where Bellamey plays with an orchestra accompaniying him. Just by listening one can actually here a distinct Queen influenced song, with the lyrics and the melody. But with the music itself, Bellamey really has been influenced by great composers such as Chopin and Rachamininoff, where you can hear the distinct sound of Chopin's nocturne op.9 no.2 but you can feel the soul of Russia.

with all of these factors taken into place, I have concluded that this album will be a very-very awe-som-eh album.

awe-som-eh - it's like saying awesome with an emphasised eh at the back, where it exagerates awesome, in other words it's better than awesome, it's awe-som-eh.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Logn Time No See! Bloggieee! SLR? D-SLR?

hahaha, it's been an extreemly long time since i've updated, again...
ahahahaha, well it's gonna be another long wait until i get good, and when i mean good i mean, "GOOD" blogposts out here. ahahaha.


well it's just cause i want to learn properly, the art of photography!

and my equipment will be a Nikkon F75 film SLR camera. ahahaha. yea sure you're reading this at home or wherever saying.

"Film?! what the hell douglas?! So lame, outdated, now we live in a new age, where we have D-SLR's! (Digital - Single Lense Camera) And you're still using a film camera!? shhheeeshh"

well there are many reasons why i want to learn using a film camera, one of the main reasons is that, film camera's give the photo a warmer fell to it, with added lighting(i don't want to get into this stuff) and plus it gives a greater sense of achivement, when one recives their photo's straight from the lab, especially after seeing your hard work turned into a beautifull masterpeice for the world to see on the "INTERNET"

Internet you ask?

Digital? Film? WHAT?!

yeah, it was a revelation to me at first on how they could actually be converted to "DIGITAL FORM" ahahaha. (now look who's in the dark...hehehehe) and thats also one of the main reasons why i want to pursue the artistry of "film photography"

thanks, see ya!

p/s: i got an awesome book from my best friends dad on photography!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

week in review? i sound like the news......

hmnhh...whats been happening this week ahhh? birthday, parent consultation day, got sick for two days and i cut my hair

-my birthday/parent consultation day-

yeah apparently my birthday falls on the same day as my school's parent consultation day...
the 8th of july, haha sucky ei?..haha..not the best day of my life and not the worst, sure my possition in class wasn't the best this whole year, but c'mon, it's the first class in La Salle, Vega, yeah, what did i get?


sorta stupid right? but again you gotta remember that i'm in the first class, and that i'm actually really busy, doing what you say? stuff....
but what the hell, my mom didn't even scold me since it was my birthday :D

-got sick for two days-

i got sick for two days, on the 9th and 10th of july, yeah, awesome right after my birthday, thats what you're thinking right now, BUT IT WAS NOT.


yeah it was all sucky for me, the suckiest part was founding about it, i actually tought it was SWINE FLU...hahaha... amazingly it wasn't i was not swine flu...halleluyah...haha...however my mum still asked me to quarantine myself....yeah...quarentine..the word just makes you shiver and make you think what does the guy have that it's so bad and evil that he or she has to be quarantined from the world not to be seen, smelled or touched...damn...well that wasn't the case for me, my mom just didn't want me around my lil sis cos my mom was gonna go to kundasang that day, so just try to use that wonderful brain of yours and think...but was not AWESOME..what was AWESOME was me throwing up after forcing myself to eat curry, rice and peria.(well i like peria) just AWESOME :p

-my hair got cut-

WTF? my hair got cut?...hmnnhhh wonder what it looks like
well it's short, supa short. post bout it tommorrow...sleepy...*yawn* :D

Sunday, July 5, 2009

doi... long haven't update...dammit!

damn...whats been happening.....

ahh...there was drama...well

WE WON...hell yeah...they're gonna go to sandakan for the regional finals...and were hopping to win it this year...and go straight to penang...

here's a pic of a winning

yeap...a huge mosh pit when we found out we won
the intensiveness before that time was so amazing..
we were so stressed about it
when we won..
we screamed our hearts out
and jumped into a huge

and just yesterday night was a damn good performence
at Halo Cafe - City mall

here's a pic

the singer is Amy..frm maktab nasional...
the others are the band from De' Notes...
we performed Hotel California
the bossa nova version...which was awesome
hell yeah..well thats it really...update tmwr agan la...haha


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

hahah...wee~'s been a long time since i've updated my blog!

haha..ok...real update this time...

so it's the 24th of june...ahhh...a few more days till my birthday..which is on the 8th haha..i've been planning to do a small party of close my band and my other close friends...on a saturday of course...haha...but the worst thing is birthday..8th of july..falls on the day of parent-teacher meeting!..oh shit!...i'm gonna get my exam results on my birthday! dosen't get any worse that that right? does! results were pretty bad..altough i passed all my science subjects..exept for bio, i got 38%...and the teacher ain't gonna give me any more extra marks! damn her! arghh!..the other subjects...well i passed everything exept...bahasa(i suck in this subject so yeah!), modern maths(this one too), add maths(who the hell passes add math!?), bio(not planning to be a doctor), yeah..those are the subjects i passed..hehehe...

damn...this is real bad for my form4 year..eheheh...

but what the hell!...could it get any worse!?
c'mon?! i got better than most peoplein my form! haha...(i'm not being arrogant here)
i got 68 for my English Litrature...hehehe...
me likey~

*on a side note*

one of my best friends Jason Jiloris Frederic Dony(did i spell that right?)
and also one of the guitarists for my band
sweet summers air
he's going to Shah Alam in..2 days!?
argghhh!..gonna miss you man!

*on another side note*
currently i'm listening to Metallica...haha
i'm really interested mostly on thier bassist..
both cliff burton(may he rest in peace)
and the current bassist
robert trujillo
one of the best bassist in a rock band yeah!

thats it guys!
hell yeah!


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

jamming guys!

hell yeah!...i got the pics from my jam session with my band since yesterday, but i was real busy doing some stuff, sorry!...hahaha...hell are some pics of us during and after jamming...haha

- me - bassist -

- adgar - drums -

- raphael - guitar -

- rick - guitar -

- jacintha - vocals- (

hell yeah!

other pics....

- the two girls - jacintha(termenung) - trish (texting) -

- the two guys - jonross - raphael -

yeah guys jamming was awesome!


best day of the 2 weeks cuti that time...

that day...we jammed a few songs..namely..
paramore - my heart, when it rains, that's what you get
papa roach - scars
silverstein - appolagize
and more...but i tink i lupa oh...


bha dats all!

Monday, June 15, 2009

graves, gambling and beer.... around 12 pm...we had final prayers before burying my uncle...after the was time to give our last respects..and it was the family and relatives to go my mum asked me to give my last respects and go beside his coffin, and when i went to the coffin, i looked at his face...looking at him was the most painful thing i had to do all this 2 weeks of holidays...(i didn't go skul today)...i was about to cry...but i know that wouldn't be something that he would want....outside, you could smell the distinct smell of beer and the people who have drank it....after the last respects we brought his body to the cemetery which was on top of a large hill...where most of my relatives from my dad's side, that had passed away were uncle, was burried on the foot of the are some pictures...

right before my uncle was lowered into his grave, 3 shots were fired by a close relative or friend of his using my grandfathers hunting rifle 'senapang' which was used the day before to hunt a wild buffalo "kerbau liar"...and 3 shots were fired again after he was lowered into his grave..the loud sound produced by these shots did not even phase my other words my uncle's wife...not to mention my cousin, who i saw, was so devestated at what had happened...


Saturday, June 13, 2009

5 mins after my post......

yeah...5 mins after my last dad just called me while i was watching..smosh...

disaster during the uncle from into an accident...when he was on his..motorbike...he crashed into a Lorry...and...i tought it was gonna be ok...until...right after my newest post...while watching smosh...i got a call from my dad who was at Papar Hospital......the prognosis was not uncle...had just passed away...his age was around 50-55.....leaving a wife and my cousin...same age as me...this occurance...has just, hinted me on how life is only 50+....sure he wasn't the best uncle...but still i really liked him...

feel so sad now....

hahaha..thanks and hell yeah~

hell yeah guys~...haha...i still haven't posted about the jamming with my band that day...arghhh!...when am i gonna get em' pics!? i will only post about it when i "do" get the bands singer, Jacintha Rajah, came back on the day before the jamming day..hahaha...and she got me a here :-

haha...yeah it's the little green vietnamese keychain may seem insignificant to some people like "ceh i would rather want a larger thing, whatever", but to me this little thing is acctually important to me...haha...why?..well i'll tell you when i get the pics from that day....haha...ok la...tell u me this little thing is like my band/family haha...weird right...haha...the original 4 of us, thingking that it could last forever the original 4, but amazingly it didn't so this thing also represents to me is "change" for myself and the band or everything around me...haha...sentimental la...hahahaha...and to me this change has just started..with some additional members..because especially for me i wanna change...i wanna make myself better...from in and of my best freinds said to me..."doug, one day you'll really want to change yourself for the better...but it's all up to you, do you have the will power and determination? but once you think you've changed yourself for the better, you'll be so happy man..."

who said that to me? it was one of my three brothers that are really close to me...Jonross, (shoutout to him) love you man...haha...thks for the advice and everything, i will!

haha's his page...


that's why that little thing is so important to me it's like a lucky charm, and it keeps me going remembering what i have to do...haha...yeah guys...i wanna change....

~on a sidenote~

hahaha...i feel so emotional about that little thing now...hahaha....
oyeah...on a sidenote...i just updated my youtube account and posted my first video and cover of a's a nice song....Foo Fighters - My Hero...i like the lyrics especially....hahaha...


yeah...check it out and have a good day!


Thursday, June 11, 2009

breakfast with douglas...haha..

yeah...breakfast with me!..woke up at 3...hahaha...what am i having?!

toasted bread la! i tought...

hmnnhh..i think i'll bring it up to my room, and take pics and eat...then post it onto my blog...

-_- of me finishing and eating my toasted bread...waht did i put on the bread...hehehe...kaya and of course butter..way better than kaya and planta...hahaha....

-stupid pics of me eating-

yeah...real stupid

hahaha...oh my band and some other guys went for a jam in Asia City...hahaha...i'll post on that once i get the pics from a friend of mine...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

wtf?!...white hair?!


a few moments ago i discovered a single strand of hair...that was...out of the group..yea a white one...i was so fucking shocked to see this single, un-important, strand of white hair, i panicked and search for more, luckily it was the only one...ahaha..


well one of the main reasons would be i was scared that i would look like my friend, who has alot of white/gray hairs, so i panicked, of course! I didn't want to look weird when i was gonna go out today, damn, scary...anyways, i'm only what? sixteen this year?..i shouldn't be getting white hair(in panick now)...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....


hmnnhhh....i think i'll pluck it! Wait! Don't they say if you pluck a gray hair, more will grow?...arh?!...damn...
Arhh! I don't care......i'll just fucking pluck it!

~randon stuff~

todays scheduel....

I'm going jamming with the band!...wee~...S.S.A!..

Updates later on my fucking hair and band!


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

sorry man...didn't mean too!

wat the fuck!?
it's 3.00 a.m. sharp...

ok..yesterday..i had a recording session with a good freind of mine(more of a brother, rather than a friend), Adger Alexter, here's his page on facebook,


so, we had a recording session at RAM productions, but under De'Notes music school, here's the facebook page...

{ }

back to the story...we jammed and eventually we recorded the song...
it was a damn good day for me...i had fun coz i tink i acctually did i didn't...
in other words...i forgot the arrangement of the song...what was the song...Guns and Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine...yea haha..i kno what some of you people are saying..."isn't that a hard song?"..well it really is an easy song..and i'm sorta kicking myself in the head for not doing it right...haha...other rhan that..after our session..i was asked to record again with some guys...Pristie Mathew, great guy, haha, damn good guitar skills...Frederic Ling, didn't meet him for a very long he really improved his drumming...from damn good..awesome...the song that i was asked to do was, again, Sweet Child O' Mine and Knocking On Heavens Door(which i have never listened to...on these recordings i did almost perfect for the sweet child o' since i haven't listend to d song...well...i got it turned out to be one of te easiest songs i've i feel sorry for Adger since he didn't get to other words he was..."outcasted". and was forced to watch us play...sorry man!

{other news}

wth with Gun's and Rose's?

They're not acctually my favorite band...but i don't dislike the thing this state(sabah)..their song are mostly played by..."PILAKS!"...the pendatang tanpa izin(pti)/illegal foriegners....which, mostly all sabahans HATE!...c'mon who the hell would like a pilak?...Why? do you ask why i feel so pissed, angry and well you could say i really hate them...well one of the main reasons would be that...they are totally making this state look bad, dirty, fucked up and more...the other one would be that, they think their better than the natonals of Sabah...NO WAY YOU MOTHER FUCKING PILAK!...i will never respect those fools who think that their better!

{on a lighter, better note}

i got a new iPod shuffell or whatever..tell me what it is....

And the most important thing in this post would be that today [10th June] is my sis's bday...we had a suprise b'day party for her at my grandma's other words...CAKE!


first post!?hospital!? toilet!? first post...(you noob!)


ok, since this is my first post i would like to intro myself first...

hey, i'm douglas michael, i'm 16 this year in july haha[2009]...i'm still studying in high school in Malaysia, Sabah!...i'm aiming to be a musician...'when i told my parents..they freaked out like...why the hell do you want to become a musican!'...yea....i play the bass acctually..'best instrument in da world!'...haha...i like reading, watching movies...and doing jackass stuff! hahahaha....and i hav a band called sweet summers air...S.S.A for short!

{story of the day} i went to the hospital with my mom to get my blood test result...amazingly..altough i am a little overweight...[wait..not a little..i am overweight!]...was good..meaning i'm's the story of the day...when i was waiting for my number to be called...'it took 2 hours to finish everything even tough i wasn't sick...damn!'...i decided to go to the toilet...haha...i've never acctually gone to the toilet in the i searched for it...when i found it...i went in to the first i went in, wanting to release my liquids...but the cleaning lady stops me and says in malay "apa kau buat sini ni boy!?"...meaning...what the fuck are you doing here?! in i responded, with an angry tone saying in malay.."mau kencing la bha!"...meaning...i'm here to pee you dumb shit! she says..."ini tandas perempuan la boy!"'s the fucking ladies toilet! that mment on i felt so stupid i ran out of the toilet...feeling embarrassed and stupid...back to where my mom was...waiting for us to be called...and amazingly..i forgot i needed to pee...

yeah...i forgot to say...i'm from malaysia...ahahah!

haha more posts to come...maybe one tonight...haha...

oyeah...i decided to make a blog cos i finally hav the Internet...refer to picture...haha