Friday, November 20, 2009

remember, remember, the 13th of november

So yeah last week the 13th of November, Friday the 13th really, I had a special occasion for myself, well yeah, to some people it's nothing really special, but to some musicians it's an important occasion when a musician names his instrument.

So yeah, I named "her"

I may have had my bass for some time, but it didn't come to the time to name "her" yet. Sure you could say whats the use of naming your guitar? Well, there's a special bond between an instrument and the musician, where you go trough all with "him" or "her". You go trough life with them, trough thick and thin, trough all the emotional hardships you have to face and trough all the shit you have to face at school or work. It's always there and it will always be there to comfort you. It could also be something to release all your stress on, when you're angry.

All the times that I've been trough with my Bass, trough all the thick and thin, I had good and bad memories with "her", and most of them were good, where I performed with my bass on a brightly light up stage with audiences ranging form small to as big as 400++ people. I've bled from playing too much and I've improved myself alot, since starting to play about 3 years ago.

So yeah, I love "her".

My Bass, Kristen.

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