Sunday, November 22, 2009


yeah, what we do during the holidays,

- Stay at home
- Sit in front of the laptop while staying at home
- Sit in front of the laptop and chat with friends, blogger, facebook, yada yada yada...
- Go out every once and a while with close friends
- bla.bla.bla.bla.bla
- Do something so unproductive that, well it is productive (not sure how that works, but it does)
- Sleep

Yeah a boring holiday...


Friday, November 20, 2009

seriously fucked up when I was cycling to the shop in the morning to buy the morning newspaper. A rat died right in front of me, it was totally disgusting when the car just ran over it making it flat. After the car had gone by (which the driver didn't notice at all that he killed a rat) I could see all the guts, and ughhhh! *muntah* *blurgggg*...yeah it was a sight to be seen.

Road Kill Anyone?

remember, remember, the 13th of november

So yeah last week the 13th of November, Friday the 13th really, I had a special occasion for myself, well yeah, to some people it's nothing really special, but to some musicians it's an important occasion when a musician names his instrument.

So yeah, I named "her"

I may have had my bass for some time, but it didn't come to the time to name "her" yet. Sure you could say whats the use of naming your guitar? Well, there's a special bond between an instrument and the musician, where you go trough all with "him" or "her". You go trough life with them, trough thick and thin, trough all the emotional hardships you have to face and trough all the shit you have to face at school or work. It's always there and it will always be there to comfort you. It could also be something to release all your stress on, when you're angry.

All the times that I've been trough with my Bass, trough all the thick and thin, I had good and bad memories with "her", and most of them were good, where I performed with my bass on a brightly light up stage with audiences ranging form small to as big as 400++ people. I've bled from playing too much and I've improved myself alot, since starting to play about 3 years ago.

So yeah, I love "her".

My Bass, Kristen.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sabah and's... gaya percakapan ; SLANG

so yeah, I was on Facebook a few days ago and i found a series of extremely funny pictures of a Bahasa Malaysia composition exercises done by a primary student (guessing he's between primary 1 - 4). going on with the story, the compositions entitled Terimah Kasih Datuk have to do with the kid thanking his Datuk (grandfather) for some crazy shit stuff, and in the compositions, are Sabahan slang words that will blow one's mind, if you're Sabahan of course or You have been in Sabah Long enough to realise that this is funny shit right yeah without a further are the awesome funny shit pictures...

Terimah Kasih Datuk :-

Terimah Kasih Datuk (2) :-

Terimah Kasih Datuk (3) :-

Yeah it may seem a little crazy, but hey, it happens,
and all we can do is either Laugh, Be Concerned or Do Something bout it
I choose, LAUGH.



Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Why! FF7! Why!?

Yeah just a couple of moments ago, a friend of mine Bryan, reminded me one of the most epic and sadest moments in gaming history, as u can see at the title the game involved is Final Fantasy 7, the most top-selling, popular game ever sold all over the world. In the game once you reach a certain point in the 1st cd of the game (there are 3 cds) one of the main characters gets well ... killed of.

Now, this game has been over for at least more than 10-12 years since it was on the PS1, where it made it's name as a remarkeble franchise producing more and more games for the series, but my personal favorite would still be 7. Now, onto what I was talking bout. In the game during the first CD one of your characters gets well, killed of, being at the tender age of ... well i think i was about 10(yeah i didn't play this untill i got my PS1 which was in 2002 :D) not knowing how the story goes and only getting small bits of information from friends, I didn't know that she was gonna ... well ... die ... and once it came to that point i was so shocked of what happened that I cried and stopped playing the game for a whole week.

It's weird right? How something so small like a game could affect one's whole life for one whole week ... yeah, one might say ... what the hell did you cry for? it's just a game! Well my friend it may be just a game but somehow with alot of games that go trough a heavy storyline such as the Final Fantsy games and ... well mostly alot of good Square Soft and Square Enix tittles like, Chrono Cross and ... (well only the FF series and Chrono Cross) you can get very close to the characters in the game where you want to make them stronger! and you get to know them more (konon la) and you dont't want them to die! and well There's the video of the scene . . . . just watch it, and well if you played the game I'm sure you know how you would be feeling right now.

when games just get to you. T.T

blog surfing = new post

yeah, as the title says it, I was blog surfing by pressing the next blog button on the top bar, and i came to a mediocre blog (just like mine), and found this amazingly funny fact....


Yeap! and with video to prove it!

Barack Obama's amazingly consistent smile from Eric Spiegelman on Vimeo.

the video shows U.S. President Barrack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama posing for around 130 pictures with UN delegates at a receptionthat was held at the Metropolitan Museum in New York City.

Damn all I have to say is ... Wow ... consistent!

and c'mon who dosen't like this guy! especially when he really is a true guy!

C'mon! Could you blame him "FOR" looking at that!?

-U.S. President Barrack Obama
